Phone number and profile Messaging Limits FAQs

What are messaging limits?

Initially you can contact with upto 1000 users every day. Based on usage, your messaging tier will be upgraded and you will be able to contact users based on your messaging tier.

What are messaging tiers?

Below are the messaging tiers

1,000 users/day


100,000 users/day


These tiers work on rolling window. In a first tier, if you sent a broadcast to 1000 users today at 4pm. You won't be able to send messages till tomorrow 4pm. Our system also takes time to send messages, so we recommend a gap of 25 hours if you are reaching limits.

How can I upgrade messaging tier?

Based on your current tier, you need to send messages to certain unique contacts to upgrade the tier. Below is the table.

Current Tier
Required number of unique contacts







Tier will not be upgraded if your account's health is Red. More about Account Health

See Also

Phone number and profile

Account health and blocking

Last updated

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